White Possum Naked Hazelnut 500ml
White Possum Naked Hazelnut is a decadent and rich liqueur featuring intense nutty flavours with subtle chocolate undertones.
Made in their distillery, this is a 'revamped' take on the classic Italian recipe. As with all liqueurs, White Possum wanted to inject plenty of 'oomph'. Think of that famous Italian hazelnut liqueur and double the depth, nuttiness and length and remove that artificial nutty taste - that's what the distillery set out to achieve with this latest addition to their liqueur line-up.
To make it, the team roasts and crushes 100% Australian hazelnuts (grown on a farm in Victoria in fact). To this nutty paste, they also mix in a smattering of organic cacao nibs to lend a little ‘chocolatey’ edge. They then infuse everything patiently in spirit to slowly extract all the flavourful oils. Finally, they add an infusion of aromatic roots to add a touch more earthiness to the flavour profile.
All liqueurs from White Possum, including Naked Hazelnut are bottled in recycled glass spirit bottles where possible. Between a lovely network of bars who help collect empty spirit bottles for them and the empty bottles that get spat out of their own tasting flight production line, they've managed to build up a locally sustainable supply of bottles. These bottles are given a "rough massage" to strip the labels off, then a hardcore hot rinse and a final polish up before being revived with a new liqueur filled life.
This means your bottle may be different than that appearing in the images posted.
The Finer Details
Style - Hazelnut Liqueur
Country - Australia
Bottle Size - 500ml
ABV - 24%
Other - Vegan Friendly