Suntory Yamazaki Cask Umeshu Tarushiage 750ml
by Suntory
Suntory's Yamazaki Cask Umeshu Tarushiage is produced by blending aged plum wine in whisky barrels at the Yamazaki Distillery. Characterised by moderate bitterness from the barrel aging with a refreshing taste. Rich aromas with a thickness, lingering taste. Best served neat, on the rocks, or with soda.
This umeshu has aromas of stone fruits, honeydew, apricots, almonds, brioche, and malt. A rich palate with fruity sweetness of almonds, plums, apricots, and dried fruits blending with hints of Yamazaki malt. The finish provides an impression of ex-whisky barrels delivering vanilla and woody notes to the finish with a slight bitterness.
The Finer Details
Style - Umeshu
Country - Japan
Bottle Size - 750ml
ABV - 16%