Mars Iwai Tradition Blended Whisky 750ml
Mars Iwai Tradition Blended Whisky is a Japanese blend of 25% corn whisky and 75% malt whisky. Mars Iwai Tradition was aged in a combination of bourbon, sherry and American white oak casks which gives it a distinctively rich and full bodied finish. Rich gold in colour, Mars Iwai has a complex fragrance of sweet honey and malt. Notes of burnt sugar cane, sweet peat, orange marmalade, cedar and cigar can be enjoyed.
In the Miyata village on Kuyshu Island is the Shinshu distillery (aka "Mars"), founded in 1985 by Hombo Shuzo. Shinshu’s whisky is distilled only during the island's harsh winters. In operation from 1985-1992 and then 2011 to present, this is actually Shuzo's third domestic distillery. The previous have been the Yamanashi Distillery (1960-1969) and the Mars Kagoshima Distillery (1978-1984).
The Finer Details
Style - Whisky
Country - Japan
Bottle Size - 750ml
ABV - 40%