Hennessy Paradis Cognac 700ml
Maison Hennessy is a distinguished cognac producer with a rich legacy that dates back to its founding in 1765 by Richard Hennessy, an Irish officer in the service of the King of France. Over the centuries, Hennessy has evolved into an unrivaled market leader and the world's foremost premium spirits brand, with a global presence in 160 countries. Based in Cognac, France, Maison Hennessy is known for its long-standing tradition of savoir-faire, which has been instrumental in creating a wide range of exquisite cognac products. The expertise of master blenders at Hennessy has contributed to the brand's reputation for excellence and quality in the industry. In addition to its exceptional cognac offerings, Hennessy engages in artistic collaborations, offers exclusive products and cocktails. Laurent Boillot, serving as the CEO, leads the company in maintaining its commitment to quality and innovation. Maison Hennessy's enduring legacy, unwavering commitment to quality and global influence have firmly established the brand as a symbol of excellence in the cognac industry. With its rich history and dedication to innovation, Hennessy continues to set the standard for exceptional cognac production and remains a celebrated figure in the world of premium spirits.
Created by Maurice Fillioux in 1979, Hennessy Paradis is a voluptuous and harmonious cognac. The eaux-de-vie of which it is composed are a reflection of the personality of such a delightful cognac: supple, light and round. They are blended into a cognac defined by its graceful, silky character, and its finely nuanced and harmoniously balanced aromatic qualities. Its superb display of coppery gold colours are an indication of the many years it has spent ageing in old casks.
On the nose it exudes floral notes of jasmine and honeysuckle, underpinned by intense notes of red fruit and exquisite spices. On the palate, a graceful, silky texture runs all the way through to a flavourful and deep, persistent finish. Honey, dried flowers, truffles and soft spices come to the fore in a melting pot of flavours. Delicate notes of cinnamon, cardamom and preserved fruits give way to perfumes of dried rose petals and sweet briar jam.
The Finer Details
Style - Cognac
Country - France
Region - Cognac
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 40%