Hibiki Japanese Harmony Whisky 700ml
Suntory Whisky was founded in 1923 by Shinjiro Torii. For over three generations, Suntory's master blenders have devoted themselves to pursuing the harmony of Japanese nature and craftsmanship. The masterful technique and reverence for Japanese omotenashi laid the foundations for a delicately crafted and perfectly balanced Hibiki Harmony to be created and join the collection of Suntory whiskies as some of the most awarded and admired in the world.
Hibiki is the paragon of harmony — launched in 1989 to commemorate Suntory's philosophy of living in harmony with people and nature. With a bold flavour that enables its nuanced notes and the drink’s history to shine through, each dram of Hibiki Harmony whisky allows you to sip on a legend that was created to honour momentous occasions and special moments in between.
Marrying grain and malt whisky together from different distilleries, Hibiki Japanese Harmony was crafted by the Suntory Whisky blending team, led by Master Blender Shingo Torii. And thanks to the selection at Kent Street Cellars, you now have the opportunity to savour Hibiki Harmony — a Japanese whisky that will coat your mouth with its smooth golden nectar and signature creamy aftertaste.
Discover Hibiki Harmony whisky today to sip on its vibrant amber colour with a complex and elegant expression, notes of honey and orange on the palate and a subtle yet tender finish with a hint of Mizunara (Japanese Oak).
The Finer Details
Style - Japanese Whisky
Country - Japan
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 43%