Suntory Umeshu Yamazaki Whisky Cask Blend 750ml
by Suntory
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Of all the Suntory’s assets, the Yamazaki distillery is something of a legend in the Japanese whisky world. It’s behind these distillery walls that Suntory carefully ages its Japanese Umeshu (plum liqueur) in toasted Yamazaki casks. An exotic Japanese liquor, this release is sweet and decadent, bursting with notes of roasted oak. This is a rich amber blend perfect for fans of the Hibiki 12, as some of the whisky blended into it was aged in these umeshu casks.
Very popular in summer, the plum liquor can be enjoyed dry at room temperature or with some ice cubes as well.
The Finer Details
Style - Umeshu
Country - Japan
Bottle Size - 750ml
ABV - 17%