Schweppes Lime Cordial 750ml
by Schweppes
Schweppes Lime Cordial is the perfect addition to any refreshing beverage. Made with real lime juice and other high-quality ingredients, Schweppes Lime Cordial delivers a tangy and refreshing burst of flavour that is sure to satisfy.
Whether you're mixing up a classic gin and tonic or creating your own unique cocktail creation, Schweppes Lime Cordial is the perfect choice. With its sweet and tangy taste, this cordial is versatile and easy to use, allowing you to add a burst of refreshing lime flavour to any drink. Whether you're mixing up a refreshing mocktail or adding a new twist to an old classic, Schweppes Lime Cordial is the perfect choice for any occasion.
The Finer Details
Style - Cordial
Bottle Size - 750ml
Varietal - Lime