Sacred Gin 200ml
Sacred Gin is an aromatic and creamy artisan gin with exceptional character, hand made by award winning micro-distiller Ian Hart at his home in Highgate. Each botanical including organic fresh cut citrus is separately macerated and re-distilled with English grain spirit at low temperature then combined according to a secret recipe, creating a lush and fresh London Dry Gin like no other.
Sacred Spirits is a family run distillery based in Highgate, London. Founded in 2008 by Ian Hart and Hilary Whitney, the brand has established a strong reputation in the UK, Europe, and the USA. Just landing in Australia for the first time, Sacred spirits are made using organically sourced botanicals, vacuum distilled by hand at the Highgate Distillery, just a few yards from the famous cemetery. Sacred's drinks are characterised by an unmistakable quality and inimitable flavour.
The Finer Details
Style - Gin
Country - England
Bottle Size - 200ml
ABV - 43.8%