Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Shiraz 2001 1.5L
Grange is the benchmark by which other Australian reds are often measured. Grange is decadently rich with layer upon layer of flavor that coats the tongue and generously lingers minutes after swallowing. Abundant aromas leap from a glass of Grange and defy the typical adjectives used by wine tasters. These are hedonistic aromas of rich, ripe fruits and spice, yet with an 'otherness' of which wine tasters speak of in hushed tones.
Grange blossoms with 15 to 20 years of bottle age and better vintages can live and continue developing for decades. First produced by Max Schubert in 1951, the '96 Grange represents 46 years of winemaking excellence.
It is extraordinary how this wine has gained power, weight and complexity since first bottled; now majestic black fruits, licorice and chocolate/mocha notes run through the palate. Great tannins sustain and support the back palate and finish. Please move to screwcaps; this wine would live forever. - James Halliday, Halliday Wine Companion, 96 Points
The Finer Details
Style - Red Wine
Varietal - Shiraz
Country - Australia
Region - Barossa Valley, South Australia
Vintage - 2001
Bottle Size - 1.5L
ABV - 15.4%