Nuestra Soledad Lachigui Mezcal 750ml
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Traditionally, mezcals from different villages have their own distinctive flavors and aromas, which reflect the differences between distilleries, the soil, the local water sources, the wood used, and of course, the nuances created by the hand of the Maestro Mezcalero. Mezcal Nuestra Soledad ( the name is a homage to the patron saint of Oaxaca city) is a single village Mezcal that is born from an ancient tradition and hand-crafted, with each different expression being made from 100% agave Espadín in Oaxaca, Mexico. A faint clay taste with vanilla, jalapeno, and wood. The finish is warm but quickly softens to a sweet lingering taste.
The Finer Details
Style - Mezcal
Country - Mexico
Bottle Size - 750ml
ABV - 46%