Kauffman Soft Luxury Vodka 700ml
by Kauffman
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Founded in 2000 by Dr Mark Kauffman in Moscow, this vodka unlike others treats its wheat like winemakers treat their grapes. The company has determined which are the best regions in Russia for the production of wheat, basing their decision on both soil and climate. Each year the company picks the best of these to craft its vodka. The region from which the wheat is collected may be different each year but the process remains the same. After 14 distillations the vodka is filtered twice through both quartz and birch with the resulting vodka being soft and mellow.
With a subtle hint of honey on the tongue, this premium Russian vodka is sure to please any palate.
The Finer Details
Style - Vodka
Country - Russia
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 40%