Hobart Whisky Tasmanian Whisky Liqueur 500ml
Hobart Whisky Tasmanian Whisky Liqueur is a beautiful blend between their Single Malt and Tasmanian Manuka and Wildflower honey, orange zest, and spice.
Sweetness is driven by the honey which is balanced by plenty of zesty orange peel notes. The variety of spice drives depth and complexity without overbearing. A long finish, with the spices and orange zest pleasantly lingering.
The 35% abv allows for the single malt to come through, best served with ice to chill, perfect in a cocktail with tonic, or the base of a hot toddy with warm water, honey and lemon.
The Finer Details
Style - Liqueur
Country - Australia
Region - Hobart, Tasmania
Bottle Size - 500ml
ABV - 35%