Glenglassaugh Evolution Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml
Glenglassaugh Evolution is created by maturing the whisky in a unique combination of the finest hand-picked ex-Tennessee first-fill whiskey barrels. This expression shows great depth of character and finesse, a harmonious combination of whisky and oak. Bottled at 50%, natural colour and non chill filtered, Evolution represents the heart of Glenglassaugh’s distinctive personality, and indeed the landscape in which it is set.
Glenglassaugh is produced using the highest quality of Scottish barley and traditional distilling methods, their key focus being on quality. While many distilleries have become highly automated, at Glenglassaugh their spirit is still handcrafted by a small, highly skilled team dedicated to creating the highest quality product. Only the finest casks are selected to slowly mature their precious spirit in their coastal warehouses until it is ready.
The Finer Details
Style - Scotch Whisky
Country - Scotland
Region - Highlands
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 50%