Fortaleza Reposado Tequila 750ml
Although Fortaleza was only launched in 2005 the Cenobio family has a long history in tequila production, being the very first to export tequila to the United States in the 1860’s. Today the very same family produces some of the finest expressions of tequila using traditional artisanal methods at their century old hacienda in the Tequila Valley.
As if stepping into a time machine, Fortaleza shows you what tequila tasted like before processes were sped up in the name of “efficiency.” They take their time, produce only in small batches, and are proud of what they do. All agave is grown in Jalisco and are allowed to mature to at least 8 years before harvesting. The agave that grows around the distillery are sweet and mineral rich which imparts the signature aromas and flavours of Fortaleza. the agave are cooked slowly in stone ovens before being crushed using a tahona mill. Fermentation takes place in wooden open air tanks before being double distilled in copper pot stills then being aged in American oak barrels.
The Fortaleza reposado is aged for roughly 7 month in American oak barrels. Aromas of citrus, caramel, butter, cooked agave, and sage are the beginning of a pleasingly balanced and very unique tasting experience. Fortaleza Reposado has it’s own distinct character, and is not like any other tequila. Flavours include cooked agave, citrus, vanilla, apple, earth, and cinnamon. The finish is long and rich, delicately spicy, and it has an oily texture that make this a joy to drink.
You simply cannot go wrong with Fortaleza Reposado. It’s popular with beginners and experienced tequila drinkers alike.
The Finer Details
Style - Tequila
Country - Mexico
Region - Jalisco
Size - 750ml
ABV - 40%