Dos Maderas Selección Rum 700ml
Dos Maderas not only combines the best of two ageing methods on opposite sides of the globe, but also brings two cultures together. On the one hand is the rum producing heritage of Barbados and Guyana in the Caribbean, and on the other is the rich sherry tradition of Jerez in Spain, and specifically that of the historical bodega Williams & Humbert. Awarded with the National Architecture Prize, Williams & Humbert is the largest Bodega in Europe under a single roof and contains over 60,000 American oak casks for ageing sherry and brandy. This sherry bodega was founded in 1877, and is now run by the Medina family, who have been in the wine business since the 1960s.
Dos Maderas Selección Rum is a blend from carefully selected number of their finest casks of Dos Maderas 5+5PX and their 10 year old blend of finest Barbados and Guyana rums which have been matured in old bourbon casks. The depth of this aged rum is best appreciated neat, with ample time to explore its complexity. It’s well suited to being served on the rocks, and elevates classic rum cocktails.
The Finer Details
Style - Rum
Country - Spain
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 42%